Limpet x Skinnydip: Q&A with founder Emily


Limpet x Skinnydip: Q&A with founder Emily


Limpet is an embroidered and playful fun clothing all hand drawn & designed by me! I first started Limpet straight after uni where I studied illustration. After lots of experimenting I learnt that I loved my drawings most when they were embroidered and on fun clothing, accessories and homeware and so Limpet was born. 

I love drawing and this has always been the main inspiration behind everything I design. 


If you had to describe your brand in 3 words what would they be?
Fun, cuteness and positivity! 


What does a day in the life of Limpet look like?
A day in the life of Limpet always starts with a coffee and a cuddle with my little dog Eric! 

After replying and chatting to lovely customers through email + dm's, I have a little scroll through Insta to catch up on life and then head out to a coffee shop to work on some designing. 

Sometimes I'll have a wander round the shops for some inspo and I love looking charity shops especially at old books and their weird ornaments. 

I'll usually end the day with a bowl or pasta and true crime documentary (obsessed!)


What's your favourite design from the collection?
My fave design of the collection has to be the moody cow! She's good for a little boost when I need it! 

What's been the most fun part of working with Skinnydip?
The best part of working with Skinnydip has to be chatting with all the lovely, creative girls who help make everything come to life! 

Also I'll never get over my drawings on cases and imagining people all over the world using them. 


What's the biggest piece of advice you'd give to anyone wanting to start their own business venture?
My advice for anyone wanting to start their own brand would be to believe in yourself bitch!!! There are so many talented people out their with beautiful ideas and I think it takes a bit of belief, hard work, persistence and staying true to yourself. Anyone can do it! 


And lastly, what are you most excited for in 2022?
In 2022 I'm most excited to just create more colourful, happy, exciting things that hopefully everyone will love! 

This year I'm going to try and focus on growing and expanding Limpet into new areas so dresses, homewares and more cute accessories.... watch this space!  

My socials are @limpet_store on Instagram and my website is

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